Perfect for small characters and detailed logos < li> Lowglare matte finish
Gravoply 2 Gloss has an extra durable scratchresistant glossy cap
Micro thin surface layer
P erfect forsmall characters and detailed logos
Low glare matte fin ish on
Woods, Granites and
Tech Patterns
The micro thin .001IN foil cap of Gravoply 2 allows for very finedetailed engraving.
While this is perfect for small text and/orintricate logos required of many indoor applications, the thicker cap of Gravoply 1 may be better for many industrial applications wherelong-term cap durability may be put to the test.
Gravoply 2 comesstandard with a matte surface finish, but we now have Gravoply 2 Glossavailable, which has a glossy clear protective cap layer.
Surface : Matte
Engraving depth : 0.002IN-0.003IN
Standa rd size : 24IN x 48IN
Surface Color : Apple green
Corecolor : White
Technical Spec
Netto Weight: 3.000 KG
Unit Demension: 1220 X 610 X 2400 MM
Height Demension: 5.000
Length Demension: 130.000
Width Demension: 70.000
Material: XT/ABS
Color: Green
Type:Foil Cap
Dimension uom: 130.000
Rp 3.354.000
(exc. PPN)
Rp 3.722.940
(inc. PPN)
Harga Satuan
Rp 3.354.000
Lead time diperlukan 90 hari kerja.
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