Mitutoyos unique shock-proof mechanism is incorporated, providingimproved resistance to shock due to sudden spindle retraction caused byimpact.
This series has been developed to eliminate the possibility of reading errors due to miscounting multiple revolutions.
Thedead zone in red indicatesaccuracy not guaranteed.
The Mitutoyo 2959SB Standard One Revolution Type Series 2 Dial Indicator is for error-free reading. Features a unique Shock proof mechanismproviding improved iMMunity to shock due to sudden spindle retractioncaused by high impact. The
crystal is hard coated for durability andscratch resistance and is also about 40% lighter than th e conventionaldial indicator. Provided with improved resistance to shop floorcontaminants such as water and dust. Due to the spindle bushing
beingoffset from the stem, spindle movement will not be hindered or jaMMedwhen clamping along the stem. Includes a pair of limit hands f or quickand easy GO/+/-NG tolerance judgment. This model is Shockproof and has a Flat Back with a range of 1.6MM
and 2MM full stroke, 0.01MM graduationand 80-0-80 Dial Reading with an 8MM Stem.
Type:One revolutiontype
SPC Output:No
Accuracy:+/- 0.013MM
Technical Specifications
Netto : 0.124 KG
Height : 8.2 CM
Length : 12.8 CM
Width : 5.8 CM
Material : Stainless Steel
Type : One Revolution
Rp 2.760.000
(exc. PPN)
Rp 3.063.600
(inc. PPN)
Harga Satuan
Rp 2.760.000
Lead time diperlukan 90 hari kerja.
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